Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Every April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual harassment, assault, and abuse are widespread and impact every person in the community. SAAM aims to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it.

The theme of Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2023 is “Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity.” The campaign calls on all individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions to change ourselves and the systems surrounding us to build racial equity and respect.

Systems of oppression such as racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, and ableism contribute to higher sexual harassment, assault, and abuse rates. Often, we are unaware of how historical conditions have shaped our lives and how we move throughout the world, specifically, forms of privilege with the many identities we each hold. Drawing connections between ourselves, history, and the world around us is necessary for changing the future. As we work towards a future without sexual violence, we all must respond to the needs of those most impacted by systemic oppression. Drawing Connections recognizes that it will take ending all forms of oppression to end sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.


Until Justice Just Is Campaign (formerly Stand Against Racism Challenge)